The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) has a strong track record of funding scientists who receive a Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize was created by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel. The international award has been given yearly since 1901 for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. Another category, economics, was added by the Nobel Foundation in 1968. Winners receive their awards on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death. For more facts about the Nobel Prize, visit
Since its creation in 1962, NIGMS has supported the work of 94 Nobel laureates—44 in physiology or medicine and 50 in chemistry. These investigators perform cutting-edge basic research that is the foundation for understanding normal life processes and disease. Such important breakthroughs in chemistry and biology often lead to more focused research that, years later, leads to important medical advances or products such as medicines or biotechnology tools.