Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research: FAQ’s

The following are frequently asked questions and answers regarding the NIGMS Diversity Supplement Program (DSP). See additional information on the DSP.

Answers to Questions Cover the Following Topics:

Eligibility Information

Candidates must be United States citizens or permanent residents to be eligible for diversity supplement support. The DSP is designed to enhance diversity, e.g. by supporting individuals from groups underrepresented in the biomedical sciences on the national level (see NIH's Interest in Diversity​). Individuals on temporary visas, those seeking asylum or refugees, or those supported through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are not eligible for support through DSP awards.

Active NIGMS research grants, program project grants, center grants or cooperative agreements with a reasonable period of research support remaining at the time of the supplemental award are eligible for an administrative diversity supplement. Grants should typically have at least 12 months remaining for undergrad, master's, and postbaccalaureate students and at least 24 months remaining for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, or investigators. We encourage all interested PI’s to contact Dr. Shakira Nelson, Dr. Jeremy McIntyre, or Dr. Joyce Stamm.

For additional information on allowances for SCORE, SuRE, IDeA and NARCH awards, visit the 'Award Guidance' section here: PI's of these awards should initially discuss the need for the supplement with their Program Officer.

Yes. Either PI on a multiple-PI grant can request a diversity supplement; the corresponding PI should submit the application.

Information on underrepresentation in the biomedical research workforce

The National Science Foundation gathers national data on the representation of certain racial and ethnic groups in biomedical fields (see the most recent report on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering). According to these reports, the following racial and ethnic groups have been shown to be underrepresented in biomedical research: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders. In addition, it is recognized that underrepresentation can vary from setting to setting; individuals from racial or ethnic groups that can be demonstrated convincingly to be underrepresented by the grantee institution are encouraged to participate in this program. For more information on racial and ethnic categories and definitions, see PA-23-189.

According to NIH's Interest in Diversity notice, women are underrepresented at senior faculty level in biomedical fields. National Science Foundation data also shows that women are underrepresented at earlier career stages depending on the biomedical field of study (for example, physics, chemistry, computer science).

Yes. The principal investigator (PI) should address the disabled person's specific needs and how the proposed plan would address these needs.

Individuals from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds are underrepresented in the biomedical research workforce. Individuals may consult the NIH's Interest in Diversity notice to see recommendations for determining socioeconomic disadvantaged backgrounds.

NIGMS Funding Priorities

Generally, no. A goal of the program is to recruit and support individuals in need of training to the PI's lab. It is not intended to free up grant funds. Contact Dr. Shakira Nelson, Dr. Jeremy McIntyre, or Dr. Joyce Stamm if there are extenuating circumstances.

NIGMS is strongly committed to the appointment of individuals from diverse backgrounds to foundational T32 training programs as these provide a structured, mentored program, with strong oversight for training students, and important cohort-building activities. If the candidate is currently appointed to a T32 grant, the student should remain on the training grant for the normal term of appointment and prepare for the transition to a fellowship, to support on the research mentor's research grant, or to some form of institutional support. Candidates previously supported by a T32 may be subsequently supported by a diversity supplement under some circumstances. It is recommended that students appointed to a diversity supplement at an institution with a related T32 program participate in any relevant T32 activities.

NIGMS supports diversity supplements for individuals at the high school, undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, master's, graduate (doctoral) student, postdoctoral fellow levels and investigators developing independent research careers. Additionally, NIGMS supports supplements for established investigators (PDs/PIs) who become disabled during the current project period. PDs/PIs in the situation may request funds for reasonable accommodations to permit completion of the currently funded research project.

NIGMS will consider supplemental support for multiple individuals at the undergraduate or high school level. Each request must be submitted as an individual application. Typically, we support one individual at the post-baccalaureate, master's doctoral student, postdoctoral, or investigator level per grant at a time. However, we may consider requests to support additional individuals on a case by case basis. Contact Dr. Shakira Nelson, Dr. Jeremy McIntyre, or Dr. Joyce Stamm before submitting a request for support of a second individual. NIGMS also will allow diversity supplements to multiple grants to the same PI, when appropriate.

No. Supplements will not be awarded for any parent IDeA or NARCH grant that has more than a 25% unobligated balance. The unobligated balance will be verified by the assigned GMS prior to application review.??

At the graduate student and postdoctoral levels, NIGMS emphasizes supporting individuals in the early stages of their training, generally in years 1-3, with an expectation that the individuals will then transition to traditional means of support appropriate for their stage of training. Support may be provided in more advanced stages on a case-by-case basis.

Application Preparation

The PI should contact his or her NIGMS program officer and the Co-Directors of the NIGMS DSP, Dr. Shakira Nelson, Dr. Jeremy McIntyre, or Dr. Joyce Stamm. It is important to ensure that your program official is supportive of the request.

NIGMS' policy is that a PI's salary is not an allowable cost on a diversity supplement.

The allowable costs vary depending on the career stage of the candidate to be supported. Please see the NOFO for further details. Section IV #6

The request cannot exceed the length of time remaining on the parent grant and should be tailored to the candidate's training plan. The typical maximum award length is 24 months. Typically, a grant should have at least 2 years remaining to request a 24-month supplement for a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or investigator. Requests for at least 12 months are considered on a case by case basis. For high school, undergraduate, master's,? or post-baccalaureate students, typically the grant should have at least 1 year remaining.

NIGMS expects that individuals will transition to traditional means of support appropriate for their stage of development. Examples include support through the parent grant or other research grants, receipt of an individual fellowship, appointment on a training grant (where appropriate), or institutional support until the proposed training is complete.

The PI should state his/her personal philosophy of training and commitment to promoting diversity and describe his/her training history including a list of individuals trained and their subsequent career/professional outcomes. See the detailed information at

The candidate should describe their short and long-term education and career goals and why they wish to pursue a research career.

Yes. Funds may be requested to make changes or adjustments in the research setting that will make it possible for a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions associated with his/her role on the project. The accommodations requested under this program must be directly related to the performance of the proposed role on the research project and must be appropriate to the disabilities of the individual. Types of accommodations that might be provided under these awards include specialized equipment, assistive devices, and personnel, such as readers, interpreters, or assistants. In all cases, the total funds for accommodations requested from the supplement must be reasonable in relationship to the direct costs of the parent grant and the nature of the supplement award.

Yes, however if the request is for the full amount of the equipment, the grantee must justify the cost amount as directly and solely related to the grant project. Information also should be provided describing what accommodations have been provided by the institution.

Submission and Review

The PI of the grant and the grantee institution must submit the application on behalf of the individual. The PI should write the application. See the detailed information at

Administrative supplement requests for all activity codes must be submitted using electronic submission processes. It is critical that applicants follow the instructions in the Application Guide (SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, eRA Commons Administrative Supplement User Guide) with the additional guidance listed in the NOFO.

All NIGMS diversity supplement applications are accepted on a rolling basis between October 1- May 31 in any fiscal year. Applications received after May 31st will be considered for funding in the next fiscal year (beginning October 1st). The earliest start date for any supplement is December 1st, and the last possible start date is September 1st. Start dates in October or November are not possible. Typically, it takes approximately 12-16 weeks from receipt of the application by NIGMS until a funding decision is made. Applications submitted in the current fiscal year that receive a favorable review will be funded in the same fiscal year, if funds and time remain available. If funds are no longer available in the current fiscal year, applications will be held for funding in the following fiscal year, with an earliest start date of December 1. Applicants requesting supplements to support a summer research experience are strongly encouraged to submit their applications no later than April 1, or at least 12 weeks before the desired start date to allow enough time for application review. For all submitted applications, we anticipate applicants will receive notification of a funding decision approximately 12-16 weeks after receipt of the application.

No, grants in a no-cost extension are not eligible to submit an application for a diversity supplement.

Applications are administratively reviewed by NIGMS staff members. Program staff members look at the appropriateness of the research project for both the candidate's goals, their training level, and the aims of the parent grant. The research the candidate will conduct must be within the scope of the parent award. In addition, great emphasis is placed on the quality of the training, mentoring and career development plans as well as the candidate's personal statement.

Detailed and personalized applications have a high success rate. However, the DSP is a competitive program and there may be more applications than funds available.

Post Award

If the fellowship begins prior to the end of the supplement period, the diversity supplement will need to be terminated and funds returned. If this happens, contact the co-directors of the NIGMS DSP, Dr. Shakira Nelson, Dr. Jeremy McIntyre, or Dr. Joyce Stamm, and your grants management specialist to begin the process.

The diversity supplement will need to be terminated early and any unspent funds returned. If this happens, contact the co-directors of the NIGMS DSP, Dr. Shakira Nelson, Dr. Jeremy McIntyre, or Dr. Joyce Stamm, and your grants management specialist to begin the process.

No. Funds can only be used to support the individual listed in the application. If the awardee can no longer use the funds, the diversity supplement will need to be terminated early and any unspent funds returned. If this happens, contact the co-directors of the NIGMS DSP, Dr. Shakira Nelson, Dr. Jeremy McIntyre, or Dr. Joyce Stamm?, and your grants management specialist to begin the process.

Rarely. In some cases, if a candidate has applied for independent funding but was not successful a short-term extension may be considered. These requests are typically considered at the end of the fiscal year. In such cases, contact NIGMS to request additional supplement support.

Individuals supported under a diversity supplement are employees of the institution and would thus fall under their institution’s compensation policies for employees in the same/similar positions. In cases where the salary and fringe benefit amounts provided with a Diversity Supplement award are insufficient to cover an individual’s actual compensation costs, institutions may rebudget funds from the parent award to cover the difference provided that: (1) The level of compensation is reasonable relative to the level of effort actually devoted to the project, (2) is consistent with established organizational policy applied consistently regardless of funding source, and (3) otherwise conforms to the Cost Principles as detailed in the Uniform Guidance, 45 CFR 75, Subpart E. See also the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Chapter 7 (Cost Consideration).