Table A. Current* Institutional Setting

Institution Name:

Carnegie Classification:

Most recent full academic year:

Subtotal (#)

Name the Proposed MARC Departments†






Current number UR‡ students in proposed MARC Departments¥






Current number of honors§ UR‡ students in proposed MARC Departments






Total number of students in proposed MARC departments


Percentage UR‡ students in proposed MARC departments


Student graduation rate in proposed MARC departments††


UR‡ students graduation rate in proposed MARC departments††


* The most recent full academic year with reliable data; all data on Table A pertains to that year

† MARC departments should prepare students to be competitive for entering a Ph.D. in a biomedically relevant area, e.g., biology, chemistry, physics, math, certain engineering fields, etc.

‡ UR, underrepresented, as defined by the NIH

§ Honors as defined by the applicant institution; typically by Grade Point Average (GPA)

¥ Non-UR, students who are not from underrepresented Groups

†† If unable to identify institutional graduation rates for the science fields, overall graduate rate data may be provided through NCES or the Chronicle of Higher Education.